Academic Honors
Each year we recognize students who are likely eligible to graduate with academic honors during the commencement ceremonies. In order to have your academic achievement acknowledged in the ceremony, students must meet the below criteria. Please note, students' honors eligibility may change pending their final grades. Because grades are not finalized until after the commencement ceremonies, we recognize students based on their GPA on February 15th. Your diploma will reflect your honors including your final grades.
Cum Laude and Magna Cum Laude
To be recognized as a Cum Laude or Magna Cum Laude candidate
Bachelor candidates must
- have a 3.5 - 3.84 cumulative UNH GPA and
- have at least 100 or more credits by February 15, 2024, of which at least 64 (30 for CPS-Online students) are graded UNH credits. (These UNH credits may include credits for which the student is currently enrolled during the spring semester)
- Students will receive a white cord on the morning of commencement
Summa Cum Laude
To be recognized as a Summa Cum Laude candidate, students must
- Have a 3.85 - 4.0 cumulative UNH GPA and
- have at least 100 or more credits by February 15, 2024, of which at least 64 (30 for CPS-Online students) are graded UNH credits. (These UNH credits may include credits for which the student is currently enrolled during the spring semester).
- Students will receive a gold cord on the morning of commencement
- have a 3.5 - 4.0 cumulative UNH GPA and
- have earned 32 or more credits by February 15, 2024, including at least 32 (16 for CPS-Online students) graded UNH credits. (These UNH credits may include credits for which the student is currently enrolled during the spring semester.)
- Students will receive a white cord on the morning of commencement
Hamel Honors and Scholars College Participants
To be recognized for completion of the Hamel Honors and Scholars College students must
- Have a 3.5 - 4.0 cumulative UNH GPA (or who have been awarded University Honors as certified by the University Honors Program) and
- have at least 100 or more credits by February 15, 2024, of which at least 64 are graded UNH credits. (These 64 credits may include credits for which the student is currently enrolled during the spring semester) and
- Have 32 credits of Honors work, including a 4-8 credit independent research project (senior thesis). Typically these credits include work done both in general education and in the student's field of specialization.
- Students will receive a blue University Honors Program stole on the morning of commencement
Please Note
- Enrollment in the Honors Program is not required to receive Honors recognition at Commencement.
- Notification of Honors recognition eligibility are based on a student’s credit hours and GPA. Non-graduating students who have the required credits and GPA for academic honors but have not met their degree requirements for graduation will receive notifications.
- If a non-graduating student maintains their GPA, they will be recognized the following year.
- Notification to students who meet the requirements to participate in the Honors Convocation will be emailed in March of the commencement year.
- If you are a graduating senior and plan to attend the commencement ceremony, please register.
- No action needs to be taken if a student will not be attending the ceremony.
- Students will not receive a new cord should their honors status change after final grades are calculated.
Students with questions regarding criteria or qualifications for honors should contact the Registrar's Office at registrars.office@xiaoneizhi.com. However, specific information about grades or averages must be discussed in person, with the student only, and cannot be given over the phone.